Effective Date: September 5, 2017 Last Revised: Review Period: Policy Owner: Library Director
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and parameters for the planning, scheduling, criteria, and implementation of exhibits to be displayed in the Schmidt Library building. Exhibits mounted in Special Collections and Archives are administered by the Archives and Special Collection Manager, who is encouraged to follow the criteria set forth in this policy.
The primary reason to display exhibits in Schmidt Library is to promote awareness and use of Library collections and services. The Library also welcomes exhibits developed by students, staff, and faculty that highlight the College’s scholarly, creative, and cultural endeavors, or that strengthen partnerships between the College and the wider community. Although beliefs and viewpoints expressed in the displays belong to the exhibitors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Library or College, exhibits will be consistent with the College’s educational philosophy and adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Intellectual Freedom Manual.
With the exception of the Special Collections room, this policy applies to exhibit spaces in the Schmidt Library building, including but not limited to common areas such as the lobby, foyer, and lower level walls. Available exhibit spaces include:
2 glass cases in the lobby, each case has 3 hexagonal shelves 30”W x 20” D x 13-18” H
Table in lobby, 70.75” W x 42.5” D x 29.5” H
Wall strips for hanging posters on lower level
Exhibitions are selected based on the following criteria:
The use of copyrighted works (such as photos, songs, other graphics, etc.) without the creator’s permission is prohibited. Exhibits shall not be used to promote personal opinions or be of a commercial nature. Topics subject to controversy may be presented provided that they are approved by the Exhibits Coordinator and handled in an objective manner.
The Library Exhibits Coordinator is responsible for scheduling exhibits and ensuring they adhere to this policy. The coordinator:
The exhibitor is responsible for planning and mounting the display, then removing exhibit items at the scheduled close of the exhibit.
Exhibits are typically scheduled for one month, beginning the first week of the month. The Library reserves the right to extend or curtail the duration of an exhibit based on changing priorities, special requests, or other factors.
Submit a Library Exhibit Proposal Form describing the purpose and complete vision of the exhibition, preferred dates and space for the exhibit, and exhibitor’s contact information. The exhibit proposal should be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the proposed beginning date of the exhibit. The Exhibits Coordinator will evaluate each proposal and inform the applicant within a reasonable time frame regarding acceptance and scheduling of the proposed exhibit.
The exhibitor assumes full responsibility for planning for and arranging the installation and dismantling of the exhibit. The exhibitor will provide suitable descriptive annotations for exhibit items if appropriate. The Library will make a reasonable attempt to assist the exhibitor with arranging items within the display cases or designated exhibit space.
The Library maintains a limited supply of materials, such as books stands, for mounting exhibits. Additional materials must be provided by the exhibitor. Exhibits shall be installed on the scheduled start date. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the time and space allotted for the exhibit. If the exhibitor cannot meet the agreed-upon schedule, the exhibitor must contact the Exhibits Coordinator immediately to make arrangements for dismantling the exhibit.
Exhibit cases are lockable but are located in public areas that cannot always be monitored against damage, theft, or vandalism. The College carries a limited amount of insurance for personal items displayed in exhibits; however, the exhibitor is responsible to ascertain whether the value of those personal items exceeds the College’s insurance coverage, and if so, to contract with an insurance agent to cover the difference at their own expense. The Executive Assistant of Campus Operations can provide information concerning College insurance. For their records, exhibitors are encouraged to prepare an inventory list of personal items they are including in an exhibit.
The Exhibits Coordinator will attempt to promote exhibits via the Library’s standard communication channels, such as Facebook and YCP portal announcements.
Library users are permitted and encouraged to borrow a Library-owned book or video from a display unless it’s a non-circulating item. Library items are subject to regular library borrowing policies and procedures.
Exhibitors are responsible for removing displays at the close of the scheduled exhibit period. Materials not removed on time will be dismounted by the Exhibits Coordinator or designee. Library staff will not be responsible for any damage incurred during the dismounting. As the Library has no storage for items owned by the exhibitor, any unclaimed exhibit materials may be disposed of after two weeks.
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