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York College of Pennsylvania, Schmidt Library

FYS 100 - ABC’s of Healthcare - Shearer

This guide will help you navigate different resources for healthcare career information in order to complete your Career Plan Presentation.


O*Net not only collects descriptions of jobs, it also outlines what it is like to hold this job.

Pay close attention to things like:

  • Skills
  • Interests
  • Abilities
  • Work Values
  • Work Styles

Are there aspects of the job that you feel would make this career an easier or more challenging environment for you?

Library Databases

Information on the advantages and disadvantages of a particular job can be difficult to find on government and statistical websites. So, it can be helpful to look for library resources instead.


When searching for advantages/disadvantages in your chosen career, it will usually be best to combine the name of your career with a related word.

Keyword Chart

Career Name Advantage/Disadvantage
  • Registered Nurse
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Dentist
  • Stress
  • Burnout
  • Work-life Balance
  • Satisfaction
  • Career advancement

Do NOT use "advantage" or "disadvantage" as keywords. Use more specific language in order to find research using the same language as other experts on this topic.


This type of information tends to be located in Journal Articles where experts share their research with one another. Be sure to filter for:

  • Full Text Online: Ensures that all of your results can be read here and now.
  • Scholarly & Peer-reviewed: Your results have been read and reviewed by other experts, making them a lot easier to trust.
  • Journal Articles: This is where experts publish their research findings.
  • Last 5 Years: Limits your results to the recent past in order to ensure that information is up to date.
  • One or more Disciplines of your choice: Helps to limit your results to just information for and by experts in your field.

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